Professor Celine Rebours
Prof. Celine Rebours

Prof. Celine Rebours

Celine is an experimental marine biologist, specialized in Phycology. Since 2016, she began to work specifically on cultivation and product development for Ulva titled “TRANSALGAE: innovative solutions for the production of micro-and macroalgae biomass from waste streams at industrial scale”. She was the National Coordinator of INTERREG Botnia Atlantica ( ). This project won the Arctic Award 2017 in category 2, “Sustainable use of resources” ( ). During the first year of this project, she developed the cultivation methods that was used further by her colleagues to upscale biomass production.

At Møreforsking, she worked as a senior researcher leading and/or participating in several international, national and regional research projects (e.g. CRA-Belmont MULTI-FRAME submariners, RCN-294946 SBP-N, RCN-285154 ISBIT2.0, Tarelaks). She has since developed and received funding for 3 different research concerning Ulva: RCN-304252 GREENS, RCN-312947 SEAGREEN and RCN-319577-SAFERIMTA.