To create an efficient network, active in all aspects and disciplines related to Ulva biology, biotechnology, engineering, aquaculture, nutrition, bioactivity and social aspects. Stakeholders and end users will be part of it, so as to create all the conditions required for the development of Ulva-based blue biotech industries.
- To manage core activities in a way to ensure the essential sharing of information. Arrangement of newly acquired knowledge with known data and their re-evaluation will be made available to all the partners. Comprehensive cooperation consortia will be created to avoid parallel activities and maximise efficiency.
- To facilitate assimilation and broaden dissemination of the COST Action results. Transferring the acquired knowledge and technologies to the decision makers, regulatory bodies, NGO and end-users will support a sustainable aquaculture and create by-products and ecological services.
- To assist in the career development of Early Career Investigators (ECIs) and students, by introducing new opportunities in academia and various seaweed industry sectors.
- To ensure the essential sharing of information. The newly acquired knowledge will be made available to all the partners (scientists, end-users, policymakers, NGOs, and the public).
- To lay the foundations for future commercial applications (including cooperation with private enterprises).